Fundraising is a relationship transaction.
To be effective it needs to be authentic, needs driven and deeply personal.
What we gained with digital fundraising’s ‘mass market’ tool set we lost in our ability to connect personally. This is not because the technology can’t provide a personal experience. In fact, technology has the power to make our fundraising communications and experiences even more personal, deeply relevant and authentic.
Where we have fallen down is in our online fundraising strategy. Just because we can reach almost everyone now digitally does not mean that we should be trying to reach everyone. We send ‘eblasts’ to ‘giant, unengaged lists’ and watch as the open rates and conversion rates fall year after year.
But there is hope.
A technology first digital fundraising program can help you move past these old ‘spray and pray‘ ideas. We can help you develop strategies that will help increase email open rates, maximize donation form conversion rates, push up your average gift and drive up monthly donor enrolment rates. Are you ready to engage your donors to be closer and more supportive of your organization than they have every been?
If this sounds like the type of program you want to be running. Let’s have a virtual coffee and discuss your true potential.