We’re here to help. Whether you need basic Wordpress support or advanced CMS customization our team of Nonprofit Website experts are here to help you maximize your website engagement and value.
In a perfect world you would have all of the in-house capacity that you need to support and manage your website to maximize the engagement of your visitors. In practice however things can be a little less seamless.
Capacity, time, staff turnover and lack of internal expertise are just a few reasons why you might find yourself looking for website support for your nonprofit website. Maybe you need someone to make new pages, post content updates, update plugins, ensure security or just change a picture out. Or maybe the person who used to manage the website left the organization and you need support while you’re hiring to replace that role.
Whatever your reason, we’re here to help.
Our team of designers, developers and system administrators are experts in the Wordpress platform. We only work with charities and nonprofits so we also understand what a website should be doing for you. Whether you’re trying to convert visitors to donors, engage new leads or educate your visitors with content we can help you achieve your goals.
Need extra resources to keep your website content up to date?
Want to drive more traffic to your website? Good content is key!
Custom story telling experiences that engage and convert.
Keeping plugins and the Wordpress core up to date and secure.
Yeeboo Digital is a progressive, full service digital agency dedicated to supporting the nonprofit and charitable sector. We focus specifically on leveraging the power of technology to raise more money, drive more action and help our nonprofit clients change the world for the better. We work together in our office with amazing nonprofits across North America.
I get it, you want to reach out – but maybe you’re worried that you will be ‘sold’ or placed into an aggressive or never ending ‘sales cycle’. That’s not how we roll. Here’s what you can expect: You reach out, and we will email you back in a day or so to setup a short exploratory call at a time that works for you. The purpose of the call is to meet you, have an open discussion about your goals, needs and concerns – and for you to ask questions. We can walk you through who we are, what we do, what you can expect from working with us and if we think we can provide a solution. If you decide you like what you hear – we can send you a proposal.
Email Hello@YeebooDigital.com
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