Ethics, AI, and the Future of Nonprofits – Navigating an Evolving Landscape

Embrace the Possibilities

As the world continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it is crucial to grasp how AI can revolutionize nonprofit work, enhance fundraising efforts, and amplify social impact.


In this friendly and insightful session, our industry expert panelists explored how AI is poised to reshape the nonprofit sector.

Currently, Dave serves as the CEO of Proofpact and Bold Crow. Proofpact generates social proof, creates meaningful digital user experiences, and is implementing the responsible use of AI for nonprofits.

Dave Norris

Dave Norris is a nonprofit tech luminary and AI Pioneer who serves as the CEO of Proofpact and Bold Crow. Proofpact generates social proof, creates meaningful digital user experiences, and is implementing the responsible use of AI for nonprofits.

Overall, while AI can provide valuable support to nonprofits in their marketing and fundraising efforts, it’s important to remember that human relationships and personal connections with donors are still key to successful fundraising.

More about Dave

In 2017, Dave built his first machine learning project after honing his skills as a developer, digital marketing CEO and nonprofit tech CTO. At Bold Crow, Dave has developed a robust platform that accelerates the creation of customized AI agents, empowering businesses and nonprofits alike to enhance experiences, efficiency, and operations.

Meena Das, human-centered data strategist

Meena Das

Meena Das is the founder/consultant/facilitator of two nonprofit consulting and training practices – NamasteData and Data Is For Everyone. She supports nonprofits in three critical areas: data collection assessments, community surveys, and workshops on improving data equity.

While AI has the potential to transform the nonprofit sector, it’s important to remember that technology alone is not a solution to social problems

More about Meena

 With more than fifteen years of experience and multiple advanced degrees, Meena is a specialist in designing and teaching equitable research tools and analyzing engagement.  She supports nonprofits in three critical areas: data collection assessments, community surveys, and workshops on improving data equity.

George Irish, AI Fundraising expert

George Irish

George Irish is a seasoned digital fundraising strategist and technologist, with 25 years of experience advising nonprofits and charities in Canada, US, and globally. George shares insights on the synergy between fundraising and AI at

George shares insights on the synergy between fundraising and AI at

More about George

As a fundraising data strategist and tech developer, George is exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT and machine learning to revolutionize fundraising.

Quotes on AI from our experts

Gain a deep understanding of the ethical considerations that nonprofits must navigate when utilizing AI, ensuring responsible and impactful implementation.
  • “Start teaching AI the humanity values, human values, and the values that we want because we don’t want to leave it up to the Googles and the Facebooks.”

    George Irish, AI Fundraising expert
    George Irish
    Founder, Fundraising With AI
  • “If we’re not careful about how we’re using tools, we will lose trust, credibility, and that’s only going to raise more concern and create more of a timid approach.”

    Currently, Dave serves as the CEO of Proofpact and Bold Crow. Proofpact generates social proof, creates meaningful digital user experiences, and is implementing the responsible use of AI for nonprofits.
    Dave Norris
    CEO, Bold Crow
  • “We need to learn how to engage with a new word, a new topic, a new concept, or a new technology in this case, before we can jump to understand the opportunities out of it.”

    Meena Das, human-centered data strategist
    Meena Das
    CEO, Namaste Data
  • “You don’t have to know the language to ask the right question now, you just have to know what the right question is.” On the potential of natural language communication with computers.

    Erik Rubadeau
    Erik Rubadeau
    CEO, Yeeboo Digital
Yeeboo Digital

Empowering Nonprofits to "Lead with Digital

Feeling lost when it comes to your nonprofit’s digital strategy?

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Erik Rubadeau

Erik Rubadeau is the CEO and founder of Yeeboo Digital and has over 20 years experience in the nonprofit digital marketing, fundraising and technology space.

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